Here we go!

August 10, 2008

This is a test, a test of things that rule. Today is like pushing the first domino in a day long set up. lets see what happens.

All i know for now is that this site will be about things that rule.  Nothing in particular i guess,  just stuff that rules. Stuff like, bacon, Pez dispensers, fights, medium rare steak, cotton candy, robots, Guns and Roses, car crashes and stuffed animals with instruments of death like machetes and chain saws.  Yes, all that stuff rules. If you don’t think that stuff rules than you should go somewhere else, you are most likely a douche and we hate you. If you do enjoy these things, then you rule and you have found your home for only the very best of things that rule.


Hello world!

August 10, 2008

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!