Rant rant Rant rant

Politics are funny, people rant, they rave they scream, they argue, they throw mud they lose their brains protecting what they feel is right. Politics top the list of things you should not talk about in public, especially at bars. Isn’t it funny that the decisions that are the most important to our world and lives are the things we are not supposed to discuss in public. Seems kind of ass backwards to me.

More of my tirade after the jump

Isn’t the point of the united states to be able to talk about and discuss what ever you want, when ever you want?  Dont get me wrong, I’m not saying you should have a full debate at dinner about  the 2 girls and 1 cup  video and what it says about our culture that over twenty million people saw it. (had to get my 2g1c refernece in there) that should be saved for dessert.  I am saying that i am sick of everybody being a bunch of pussies about their beliefs.  Fuck it, tell me why i should go the other way. Let me hear why you go the way you do. I won’t hate you because your stupid, i just want to see it from your point of view, other wise all im going to get is a programmed review of our party’s side from my party which is going to  be biased and full of poo. 

Its going to be an interesintg polarizing couple of months. 

may the best man win fairly.. that would rule

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